• Five Ways to Improve your Influencer Outreach

    Influencer marketing is alive and thriving. The usual suspects–YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram–have long dominated the influencer marketing industry. Yet  the recent surge ... Read Article

    2019 Influencer Marketing Global Survey Released

    Rakuten Marketing has a big new report out looking at influencer marketing. Influencers are now an established part of the consumer marketers ... Read Article

    Facebook Announces Integration Across all Platforms Worldwide. Surprised?

    In a move that seems specifically designed to forestall European enforcement efforts, Facebook has announced they will integrate their messaging platforms worldwide, ... Read Article

    Google & Facebook Are Not Your Friends

    With implementation of Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation just two weeks away, it is time to state a hard truth: Google and ... Read Article

    Why Viewability Matters to Performance Marketers

    When you buy a display ad, how long does it need to be on screen for it to be effective? Maybe a ... Read Article

    Five Essential Questions To Ask Your Network

    Advertisers choosing a new network partner have to take a lot on trust. Pretty much every network has a convincing pitch and ... Read Article

    Another Thought On Facebook's "Strategic Pivot"

    Those of us that have been in online marketing for a while will remember the old advice to newbies: always buy your ... Read Article

    Guess What Facebook Is About to Do To Thousands Of Your Fans

    Facebook is in the process of pulling the biggest bait-and-switch in history. They have spent years persuading umpteen brands, businesses and boy-bands ... Read Article

    Which Social Media Sites Drive Most Conversions?

    Holy mackerel! Shopify just analyzed 37 million social media visits that resulted in more than half a million conversions. And they’ve produced ... Read Article

    Facebook Mobile Ads Delivering $10 eCPM

    TBG Digital reports that Facebook’s mobile-only Sponsored Stories ad format is getting 1.14% CTR, $0.86 CPC and $9.86 eCPM. Those figures represent ... Read Article