• How to Comply With and Defend FTC “Made in USA” Labeling Rule Matters

    The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has been imposing increasingly more severe monetary penalties against company’s for falsely representing that products are “Made ... Read Article

    Richard B. Newman Selected to Author Consumer Protection Section of ALM FTC Law Treatise

    FTC Compliance, CID, and Defense Lawyer Richard B. Newman Selected to Author Consumer Protection Section of Prestigious ALM FTC Law, Practice and ... Read Article

    FTC Settlement With Credit Karma Underscores Agency Attention to A/B Testing

    In September 2022, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it had taken action against credit services company Credit Karma for allegedly deploying ... Read Article

    FCC Says Ringless Voicemails Require Prior Consent

    “Ringless voicemails” are messages left in a consumer’s mailbox without ringing their cell phone. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act protects consumers from ... Read Article

    Copyright Attorney Discusses Advertiser Vicarious Liability for Social Media Influencer Infringement

    UMG Recordings, Inc. v. Vital Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 2022 WL 2670339 (S.D. Fla. July 11, 2022) involves a copyright infringement action brought by ... Read Article

    FTC Reminds Lead Generators Not to Misuse Sensitive Consumer Data

    Lead generators and digital marketers, beware.  The issue of legitimate data use, reasonable expectations, disclosures, affirmative consent, data privacy compliance and lead ... Read Article

    Use of Certain Technologies to Track Web Session Data May Violate Law

    Attention Lead Generators. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that use of certain technologies on a websites in order to ... Read Article

    CFPB Issues Warning About Contractual Gag Clauses and Consumer Reviews

    On March 22, 2022 the CFPB issued a policy statement on contractual “gag” clauses and fake review fraud.  While the bulleting indicates ... Read Article

    FTC Rules With Civil Monetary Penalties for Deceptive Earnings Claims and Targeted Marketing May Be Forthcoming

    On February 10, 2022 the Federal Trade Commission announced that it intends to vote whether to issue an Advance Notice of Proposed ... Read Article

    FTC Rules With Civil Monetary Penalties for Deceptive Earnings Claims and Targeted Marketing May Be Forthcoming

    Accountable Tech has recently filed a petition for an FTC rulemaking that would ban “surveillance advertising” as an “unfair method of competition.”  ... Read Article

    The FTC, Lead Generation and Telemarketing Sales Rule DNC Investigations

    The Federal Trade Commission continues to investigate and enforce violations of the Telemarketing Sales within the lead generation industry, including lead generators ... Read Article

    House Passes Bill Aimed at Restoring FTC Enforcement Authority

    On July 20, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Consumer Protection and Recovery Act (H.R. 2668).  Authored by Representative Tony Cárdenas (D-CA), ... Read Article

    Important Email Marketing Legal Decision by California Court of Appeals

    On June 21, 2021 in the matter of Greenberg et al. v. Digital Media Solutions LLC, the Court of Appeal of the ... Read Article

    FTC and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Fight About Section 13(b) of the FTC Act

    Following a hearing in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation last month, Federal Trade Commission Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter ... Read Article

    FTC Warns Marketers and Social Media Platforms About COVID-19 Claims

    In April 2021, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it forwarded a tenth set of warning letters to marketers, directing them to stop making ... Read Article
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