• First Impressions and Beyond

    What's worse than a poor shopping experience? Rank it down there next to a really bad haircut, or waiting in line at ... Read Article

    Less Is More

    Ask any guru in the affiliate universe what ValueClick's acquisition of Commission Junction means, and you'll get more answers (and more pitches) ... Read Article

    Win Or Lose

    In a lot of ways, Cynthia Fanshaw is just another star in the affiliate marketing universe. With a specialty in search engine ... Read Article

    Hot Profits

    The marketing of adult entertainment is a lot like any other segment of the affiliate industry, except that it is nothing like ... Read Article

    Snake Eyes

    Five'll get you 10 that online gambling is here to stay. Cyber casinos already take wagers from around the globe on everything ... Read Article

    Side Effects

    Affiliates promoting pharmaceuticals online can earn lifetime commissions and five-figure paychecks while helping consumers purchase the drugs they need for a fraction ... Read Article

    Been There Done That: Q & A with Shawn Collins

    It's very difficult to find anyone in affiliate marketing better known than Shawn Collins, who earned his first commissions more than seven ... Read Article

    Bad Guerrillas

    The biggest mistake of all is launching an affiliate marketing program without knowing perception from reality.THE PERCEPTION is that you've been running ... Read Article

    Wanted: Affiliate Manager

    Here in the midst of the fearsome jobless recovery, one job remains hard to fill: affiliate manager.And nobody seems surprised. After all, ... Read Article

    The Spam Jam

    What a mess. Jim Gordon is hell-bent on collecting some of the $600,000 or so he thinks Commonwealth Marketing Group owes him ... Read Article

    Can You Relate?

    Not all that long ago, we did almost all business with people face to face. Chances are, we knew them personally and ... Read Article

    Should I Promote This Merchant

    There are thousands upon thousands of affiliate programs offered by various Internet merchants. Deciding what programs to promote can be a daunting ... Read Article

    Blair's Flair For Affiliate Marketing

    How did a 93-year-old company that got its start selling black raincoats to funeral directors by mail wind up as a big ... Read Article

    Here's Herby

    From his passionate crusades against spam and "scumware" to hosting his group's annual summit, the baritone-voiced entrepreneur has a knack for stirring ... Read Article

    Bringing E-commerce Back Home

    Jeannie Otero wanted to change her life. A single mom with two young daughters, she hated the three-hour round-trip commute to her ... Read Article
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