• The Pay Per Click Dance

    A few years ago, if your site wasn't listed in Yahoo you might as well have given up. Yahoo was practically the ... Read Article

    Wanted: Affiliate Manager

    Here in the midst of the fearsome jobless recovery, one job remains hard to fill: affiliate manager.And nobody seems surprised. After all, ... Read Article

    Guerrilla Affiliates

    Because you're reading Revenue, which is as focused upon affiliate marketing as you are, I doubt if I have to remind you ... Read Article

    No Free Lunch For Merchants

    It sounds like a no-brainer: Tap into a sales force of self-employed affiliates who'll handle everything from producing product information to Web ... Read Article

    What's Mary Kay Got To Do With It?

    One of the most common myths about the Internet is that this new-fangled technology makes business mysterious, complex or risky. The truth ... Read Article

    Should I Promote This Merchant

    There are thousands upon thousands of affiliate programs offered by various Internet merchants. Deciding what programs to promote can be a daunting ... Read Article

    Bringing E-commerce Back Home

    Jeannie Otero wanted to change her life. A single mom with two young daughters, she hated the three-hour round-trip commute to her ... Read Article

    Blair's Flair For Affiliate Marketing

    How did a 93-year-old company that got its start selling black raincoats to funeral directors by mail wind up as a big ... Read Article
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