• FTC Reminds Lead Generators Not to Misuse Sensitive Consumer Data

    Lead generators and digital marketers, beware.  The issue of legitimate data use, reasonable expectations, disclosures, affirmative consent, data privacy compliance and lead ... Read Article

    Use of Certain Technologies to Track Web Session Data May Violate Law

    Attention Lead Generators. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that use of certain technologies on a websites in order to ... Read Article

    Lead Generation Campaign Best Practices

    Lead generation campaigns can be incredibly beneficial for brands looking to boost customer acquisition and engagement. With U.S. spending on digital lead ... Read Article

    3 Advertisers: Why Network Transparency Is Everything That Matters

    Online lead generation is a tough, complicated business, especially as an advertiser. Media costs have been steadily rising, compliance has become more ... Read Article

    Increasing Transparency in Lead Gen through Affiliate Marketing

    Leveraging the affiliate marketing system for lead generation is a highly successful technique for many a marketer in the digital space. But ... Read Article

    FTC Defense Lawyer on Colorado’s Cybersecurity Legislation

    Colorado’s governor recently signed into law House Bill 18-1128.  It is effective September 1, 2018 and sets forth information security requirements for ... Read Article

    FTC Defense Lawyer Update: Solar Panel Lead Generation Telemarketers Settle FTC Charges

    The lead generation industry continues to face aggressive scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission. Last week, the FTC announced that two individuals ... Read Article