• A Brand New Day for BrandNewDad.com

    Not every website sells widgets. But that doesn't mean every website doesn't need an effective home page.In this column, we chose an ... Read Article

    The State of Online Marketing

    By the time Revenue magazine hit newsstands in January 2004, performance marketing and affiliate marketing had already had their share of ups ... Read Article

    Resolutions Require Resolve

    It's mid-January. The holiday revelry is over, Christmas decorations have been packed away and the leftover turkey in the fridge is turning ... Read Article

    It's Just Direct Marketing

    As I go around the country teaching workshops on pay per click (PPC) I get asked many varied questions on search engine ... Read Article

    Home Page Makeover Unleashed

    In this first installment of Revenue Magazine's "By Design Makeover," I worked with my team at Sostre & Associates to choose one ... Read Article

    Defining Affiliate Marketing

    Guerrillas know that affiliate marketing is just a fancy word for selling and treating people well. It's more common sense and patience ... Read Article

    Educating and Informing Your Publishers

    As anyone managing an affiliate program knows, educating your network of publishers is a vital and often daunting part of building and ... Read Article

    Danger: Clicking Ahead

    Sometimes a click isn't really a click. Sometimes the person knocking on a website's door is really a wolf in shopper's clothing, ... Read Article

    Defend Yourself Against Click Fraud

    The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" That's what the Chicken Littles of the world would have you believe when they ... Read Article

    The Myths of Affiliate Marketing

    There are many myths regarding affiliate marketing that ought to be tucked away where you keep the collected works of the Brothers ... Read Article

    Managing Affiliates in a Rapidly Growing Market

    Over the past two years, the online real estate traffic volume has increased exponentially. Part of this dramatic growth is driven by ... Read Article

    Don't Give in to Click Fraud Fears

    Click fraud is a potentially serious problem faced by any affiliate marketer who uses pay-per-click (PPC) search engine advertising to market their ... Read Article

    Stumped About Stopping Spyware

    Tuan Le is mad. And when he's upset, he speaks quietly, deliberately and very thoughtfully. He's hardly a hothead. But nothing gets ... Read Article

    The Journey to Become an Affiliate

    Malcolm Lubliner contacted me in early November, just a month into my taking over the duties as editor of Revenue. He was ... Read Article

    Know Your Audience

    When designing a Web site, you must take the intended audience into careful consideration. Whether the Web site is business-to-business or business-to-consumer, ... Read Article
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