• How to Comply With and Defend FTC “Made in USA” Labeling Rule Matters

    The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has been imposing increasingly more severe monetary penalties against company’s for falsely representing that products are “Made ... Read Article

    3 Strategies To Overcome Rising Search Costs & Boost Enrollment

    As higher education marketers face the dual challenge of escalating search marketing costs and the rapid evolution of search technology, finding effective ... Read Article

    New Year’s Cleanup: 7-Point Checklist for Your Affiliate Program

    There are a number of things that might impede the performance of your affiliate program.

    The Future of Performance Marketing: More Consolidation & Better Social Media Lead Generation

    Three seemingly disparate events this year — the closing of the Google Affiliate Network (GAN), Facebook introducing CPA buys and Twitter launching

    The Publisher’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

    In the fall 2012 edition of this magazine I wrote an article, The CMO Guide to Affiliate Marketing, that established the basic ... Read Article

    The Lead Generation Marketplace Grows Up

    The lead generation industry has matured and is now reaching an inflection point. While some companies will fall by the wayside, it ... Read Article

    Summer Conference Recap: Accountability and Compliance Take Center Stage

    It has been a busy summer for online marketing professionals. LeadsCon East and Affiliate Summit East were scheduled three weeks apart, making ... Read Article

    Let’s Call it ‘Anti-social’ Media

    I’m confused why we refer to this world of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, MySpace, etc., as “social” media. From ... Read Article

    ROI On Marketing: Still The Only Thing That Matters

    Klein Online (& Out- of-Line) The national debt is climbing to $15B, the Dow Jones dropped 1,000 points in August and yet ... Read Article

    Social Networking Bailout

    Our politicians, along with Wall Street, a few bankers and some mortgage firms may be able to take our money, but they ... Read Article

    Blurring the Lines

    Recently, I posed my question to a diverse audience: "At your company, who is in charge of social media marketing? Raise your ... Read Article

    Growing in an Unhealthy Climate

    Economists, politicians and media types are no longer arguing whether or not the economy is in a recession. Instead most are debating ... Read Article

    Lights, Cameras, Action!

    Raise your hand if you've heard of Blendtec. I bet you are familiar with Blendtec and I bet I know how you ... Read Article

    The Importance of Follow-through

    I am not a golfer- but I rented some clubs and hit at a driving range for the first time a few ... Read Article

    YouTube Should Get Down to Business

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau,there are nearly six million businesses in the United States. Think about the enormity of that number.That's ... Read Article
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