• Network Interviews

    Advertiser and Affiliate Perspectives

    by mThink on November 1, 2016

    Interviews with Lee Aho, Executive VP of Advertisers at Clickbooth, and Brad Dobbins, Executive VP of Affiliates at Clickbooth REGARDING … Read Article

    CPA Networks: How to Manage Advertiser Relationships

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on October 10, 2016

    Imagine a new advertiser coming to you to launch a new product. What’s the process between contract and … Read Article


    by mThink on September 30, 2016

    Antoine Moreau is the commander-in-chief of Mobidea, a technology-driven network in the mobile affiliate marketing industry.Trusted by over … Read Article

    The Value of the Performance Exchange

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on September 19, 2016

    Your proprietary platform, the Clickbooth Performance Exchange, seems to be getting a lot of attention right now. Why … Read Article

    Inside View Of A Nutraceuticals Network

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on September 19, 2016

    Imagine a new advertiser coming to you to launch a new product. What’s the process between contract and … Read Article

    Communication Is Key To Performance

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on September 13, 2016

    Imagine a new advertiser coming to you to launch a new product. What’s the process between contract and … Read Article

    Affiliate Recruitment & Compliance Offer Big Rewards

    by mThink on September 13, 2016

    How does an advertiser prevent affiliates from competing with and cannibalizing the advertiser’s own search or display campaigns? … Read Article

    Adam Weiss on Affiliate Marketing Best Practices

    by mThink on September 6, 2016

    Imagine a new advertiser coming to you to launch a new product. What’s the process between contract and … Read Article

    Daryl Colwell Interview on Channel Evaluation

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on August 27, 2016

    Blue Ribbon Panel Interview with Daryl Colwell Imagine a new advertiser coming to you to launch a new product. … Read Article

    Ronen Hamatian on Affiliate Marketing Trends

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on August 17, 2016

    Blue Ribbon Panel Interview with Ronen Hamatian The FTC seems to have been more aggressively enforcing their rules … Read Article

    Jackie Bates Talks Affiliate Marketing Trends

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on July 15, 2016

    The traditional route into affiliate marketing was always via the creation of a blog, gaining experience in growing … Read Article

    Interview with Blue Ribbon Panel Member Nicolas Chrétien

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on July 13, 2016

    The traditional route into affiliate marketing was always via the creation of a blog, gaining experience in growing … Read Article

    Chris Trayhorn Interview with Cristian Miculi

    by mThink on June 30, 2016

    The traditional route into affiliate marketing was always via the creation of a blog, gaining experience in growing … Read Article

    Matt Frary on Merchant Risk and Technology Investment

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on June 24, 2016

    Chris Trayhorn Interviews Matt Frary on Merchant Risk and Technology Investment What’s the easiest point of entry for … Read Article

    Blue Ribbon Panelist Interview: Ricky Ahuja

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 13, 2016

    Imagine you are a newbie affiliate entering the industry today. Which vertical would you choose? What would be … Read Article

    Jackie Bates on Affiliate MarTech Opportunities

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 6, 2016

    Hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised by AdTech startups over the last few years, and now … Read Article

    Blue Ribbon Panel: Interview Melissa Feemster

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 5, 2016

    Does the difficulty in predicting which creatives will be accepted to run by Facebook and other social platforms … Read Article

    Blue Ribbon Panel: Q&A with JP Sauve

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 31, 2016

    Imagine you are a newbie affiliate entering the industry today. Which vertical would you choose? What would be … Read Article
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