• Ad Budgets vs. Time Spent: The Metric That Means Opportunity

    I've been talking for three years about networks and publishers positioning themselves to take advantage of the shift online of audiences from ... Read Article

    Insane Mobile Ecosystem Revealed!

    The craziness of the mobile marketing ecosystem leaps out and grabs you by the throat in the latest update to Luma Partners' ... Read Article

    Facebook Ads: Not Cheap, Not Effective

    The average click-through rate (CTR) on Facebook ads is half that of an average ad banner and about 8 times less than ... Read Article

    TradeDoubler Financials: “Especially Bleak”

    It’s hard to get reliable insights into the inner workings of networks so I was interested to see TradeDoubler’s recent presentation of ... Read Article

    If This Doesn't Persuade You To Put Campaigns On Mobile, Nothing Will

    How massive is mobile? Absolutely huge. More than you even think. A new analyst report reveals that mobile devices have now achieved ... Read Article