• Online Video Ads Exploding, Rates Dropping

    Online video ads are growing faster than almost any other segment – an inevitable result of the gradual shift of Madison Avenue ... Read Article

    YouTube Celebrates With a Top Five

    YouTube celebrated its fifth birthday on Valentine's Day. The youtube.com domain name was first registered on 2/15/2005 and the site was bought ... Read Article

    Leagues of Their Own

    Since the days of the gladiators, sports fans have had an irrational bond with their favorite athletes and teams. Feats of athleticism ... Read Article

    The Changing Digital Landscape

    2008 has shaped up to be a crazy year for online advertising - the writers' strike drove people online and the presidential ... Read Article

    Lights, Cameras, Action!

    Raise your hand if you've heard of Blendtec. I bet you are familiar with Blendtec and I bet I know how you ... Read Article

    YouTube Should Get Down to Business

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau,there are nearly six million businesses in the United States. Think about the enormity of that number.That's ... Read Article

    Ad-Supported Nation

    There's no doubt that popular websites such as video clip destination Metacafe continue to be strong players because visitors know that when ... Read Article

    Video + Twitter = Seesmic

    I recently had to stop Twittering. It was awful. The doctors said I would go blind.Seriously folks, even for as big of ... Read Article

    .mobi for All

    Neil Michel bought .mobi top-level domains as soon as they were available without consulting his bosses. As eMedia Director of Prosper magazine ... Read Article

    Natural Born Storyteller: Q & A with Steve Rosenbaum

    Steve Rosenbaum made his name on MTV and doing documentaries. So it's natural that he's into Web video. Rosenbaum is the founder ... Read Article

    Video Goes Viral

    Thanks to social networking sites such as YouTube, online video has quickly become an everyday part of the online experience. While marketers ... Read Article

    Getting Into the Mashup Mix

    It's become a new art form to combine various existing elements to create something totally new. However, it can also be dangerous ... Read Article

    More Ways to Search

    Search powerhouse Google has ascended not only to the No. 1 starting place for most Web searches, but the name has become ... Read Article

    Guiding Lightly: Q & A with Anne Holland

    Anne Holland is the president of MarketingSherpa, which aims to help marketers advance by sharing real-world marketing data and hard-won lessons. The ... Read Article

    Video Ad Explosion

    In early August, Foster's Beer announced two changes. First, they'll no longer try to be "Australian for Beer" and, second, they're moving ... Read Article
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