• Surviving the Turmoil

    With the new administration talking about a trillion dollars of infrastructure investment, the time for the intelligent utility of the future is ... Read Article

    Business Process Improvement

    In the past, the utility industry could consider itself exempt from market drivers like those listed above. However, today's utilities are immersed ... Read Article

    Future of Learning

    The nuclear power industry is facing significant employee turnover, which may be exacerbated by the need to staff new nuclear units. To ... Read Article

    Managing Communications Change

    Change is being forced upon the utilities industry. Business drivers range from stakeholder pressure for greater efficiency to the changing technologies involved ... Read Article

    Be a People Person

    I have to admit it. Despite all the exciting new technologies out there, I am finding myself to be a people person ... Read Article

    A Smart Strategy for a Smart Grid

    Every year, utilities are faced with the critical decision of where to invest capital. These decisions are guided by several factors, such ... Read Article

    The Smart Grid Maturity Model

    The software industry has been using maturity models to define and measure software development capabilities for decades. These models have helped the ... Read Article

    Utility Mergers and Acquisitions: Beating the Odds

    Merger and acquisition activity in the U.S. electric utility industry has increased following the 2005 repeal of the Public Utility Holding Company ... Read Article

    The Technology Demonstration Center

    When a utility undergoes a major transformation - such as adopting new technologies like advanced metering - the costs and time involved ... Read Article

    The Virtual Generator

    Electric utility companies today constantly struggle to find a balance between generating sufficient power to satisfy their customers' dynamic load requirements and ... Read Article

    Customer Service in the Brave New World of Today's Utilities

    A NEW GENERATION OF CUSTOMER Today's utility customers are energy dependant, information driven, technologically advanced, willing to change and environmentally friendly. Their ... Read Article

    Achieving Decentralized Coordination In the Electric Power Industry

    For the past century, the dominant business and regulatory paradigms in the electric power industry have been centralized economic and physical control. ... Read Article

    How Intelligent Is Your Grid?

    Many people in the utility industry see the intelligent grid — an electric transmission and distribution network that uses information technology to ... Read Article

    Con Edison

    Consolidated Edison Co. of New York (Con Edison) is a regulated utility serving 3.2 million electric customers in New York City and ... Read Article

    Pepco Holdings, Inc.

    The United States and the world are facing two preeminent energy challenges: the rising cost of energy and the impact of increasing ... Read Article