• Meeting Future Utility Operating Challenges With a Smart Grid

    The classical school of utility operations prescribes four priorities, ranked in the following descending order: safety, reliability, customer service and profit. Although ... Read Article

    Customer Service in the Brave New World of Today's Utilities

    A NEW GENERATION OF CUSTOMER Today's utility customers are energy dependant, information driven, technologically advanced, willing to change and environmentally friendly. Their ... Read Article

    Plugging in the Consumer

    Thanks to new technologies and the spirit of independence and empowerment fostered by the digital age, consumers are taking on broader and ... Read Article

    Achieving Decentralized Coordination In the Electric Power Industry

    For the past century, the dominant business and regulatory paradigms in the electric power industry have been centralized economic and physical control. ... Read Article

    How Intelligent Is Your Grid?

    Many people in the utility industry see the intelligent grid — an electric transmission and distribution network that uses information technology to ... Read Article

    Leveraging the Data Deluge: Integrated Intelligent Utility Network

    If you define a machine as a series of interconnected parts serving a unified purpose, the electric power grid is arguably the ... Read Article

    The GridWise Olympic Peninsula Project

    The Olympic Peninsula Project consisted of a field demonstration and test of advanced price signal-based control of distributed energy resources (DERs). Sponsored ... Read Article

    Ontario Pilot

    Smart metering technologies are making it possible to provide residential utility customers with the sophisticated "smart pricing" options once available only to ... Read Article

    Pepco Holdings, Inc.

    The United States and the world are facing two preeminent energy challenges: the rising cost of energy and the impact of increasing ... Read Article

    The Smart Grid: A Balanced View

    Energy systems in both mature and developing economies around the world are undergoing fundamental changes. There are early signs of a physical ... Read Article

    Software-Based Intelligence: The Missing Link in the SmartGrid Vision

    Achieving the SmartGrid vision requires more than advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and advanced networking technologies. While ... Read Article
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