• Future of Learning

    The nuclear power industry is facing significant employee turnover, which may be exacerbated by the need to staff new nuclear units. To ... Read Article

    Modeling Distribution Demand Reduction

    In the past, distribution demand reduction was a technique used only in emergency situations a few times a year - if that. ... Read Article

    Managing Communications Change

    Change is being forced upon the utilities industry. Business drivers range from stakeholder pressure for greater efficiency to the changing technologies involved ... Read Article

    Online Transient Stability Controls

    For the last few decades the growth of the world's population and its corresponding increased demand for electrical energy has created a ... Read Article

    Successful Smart Grid Architecture

    The smart grid is progressing well on several fronts. Groups such as the Grid Wise Alliance, events such as Grid Week, and ... Read Article

    Thinking Smart

    For more than 30 years, Newton- Evans Research Company has been studying the initial development and the embryonic and emergent stages of ... Read Article

    At Your Service

    Today's utility companies are being driven to upgrade their aging transmission and distribution networks in the face of escalating energy generation costs, ... Read Article

    The Smart Grid Maturity Model

    The software industry has been using maturity models to define and measure software development capabilities for decades. These models have helped the ... Read Article

    Business Process Improvement

    In the past, the utility industry could consider itself exempt from market drivers like those listed above. However, today's utilities are immersed ... Read Article

    The Smart Grid: A Balanced View

    Energy systems in both mature and developing economies around the world are undergoing fundamental changes. There are early signs of a physical ... Read Article

    Software-Based Intelligence: The Missing Link in the SmartGrid Vision

    Achieving the SmartGrid vision requires more than advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and advanced networking technologies. While ... Read Article

    Meeting Future Utility Operating Challenges With a Smart Grid

    The classical school of utility operations prescribes four priorities, ranked in the following descending order: safety, reliability, customer service and profit. Although ... Read Article