• Google Profits Down 20% As CPC Plummets 15%

      The day’s big news of Google’s precipitous drop in share price concealed the fact that Google’s average CPC is down 15% ... Read Article

    Consolidate, Optimize and Maximize

    You can maximize the performance of your marketing campaigns by consolidating all of them under a single ad platform. This will save ... Read Article

    Business Process Improvement

    In the past, the utility industry could consider itself exempt from market drivers like those listed above. However, today's utilities are immersed ... Read Article

    Successful Smart Grid Architecture

    The smart grid is progressing well on several fronts. Groups such as the Grid Wise Alliance, events such as Grid Week, and ... Read Article

    Skinflint Search Marketing

    I admit it - I'm a skinflint. Call me a tightwad, a miser - I don't care. Basically, I'm cheap. And even ... Read Article

    Leveraging the Data Deluge: Integrated Intelligent Utility Network

    If you define a machine as a series of interconnected parts serving a unified purpose, the electric power grid is arguably the ... Read Article

    Improving Call Center Performance Through Process Enhancements

    The great American philosopher Yogi Berra once said, "If you don't know where you're going, chances are you will end up somewhere ... Read Article

    Search Marketing Is Direct Marketing

    When I say the word "marketing," what do you think of? Probably some kind of advertising - maybe a TV commercial for ... Read Article

    Overcoming Your SEO Fears

    Ask nearly everyone and they'll say that search engine optimization is intimidating. Search engine optimization - SEO for short - should be ... Read Article

    Do Your Metrics Measure Up?

    Steve DiPietro is amazed at how frequently he listens to prospective clients parroting clickthrough percentages, Web traffic statistics and conversion ratios with ... Read Article

    Taking It Offline

    If baseball is the thinking person's game, then online advertising is the thinking person's medium. Much like the national pastime, part of ... Read Article

    Hybrid Auctions Are Taking Over

    As author Robert C. Gallagher observes, "Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine." And so it comes as no surprise ... Read Article

    Power Tools

    Sometimes even the simplest tasks can only be performed using the right tools. There's no point in using a chain saw when ... Read Article

    Casting a Wider Net

    Podcasting is emerging as an interesting and potentially lucrative opportunity for online marketers who want to reach a wider audience.The figures for ... Read Article

    Analyze This

    Affiliates are capitalizing on the predictable behavioral patterns of consumers by using Web analytics tools to decode customers' habits and boost revenue.So ... Read Article
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