• How to Comply With and Defend FTC “Made in USA” Labeling Rule Matters

    The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has been imposing increasingly more severe monetary penalties against company’s for falsely representing that products are “Made ... Read Article

    Clickbooth Speaks!

    Press Release Clickbooth Invalidates Essociate Patent Claims Sarasota, FL,  February 12, 2015 – On February 11, 2015, the United States District Court, ... Read Article

    The New Google Webmaster Guidelines Are Killing Affiliates

    Affiliates have been complaining for a long time that Google keeps changing the rules of SEO. Most of the time it claims ... Read Article

    Summer Conference Recap: Accountability and Compliance Take Center Stage

    It has been a busy summer for online marketing professionals. LeadsCon East and Affiliate Summit East were scheduled three weeks apart, making ... Read Article

    Mr Waledac: The Peter North of Spamming

    The always reliable Brian Krebs with an amazing story of Russian spammers, huge botnets and oddly named pwnsters.

    Billion Dollar I.P. & Patent Leeches

    The affiliate marketing industry is already being burned by BS intellectual property law suits in the form of Essociate's patented claim to ... Read Article

    CPAWay vs. Essociate: Is This The Way Forward?

    CPAWay is one of our favorite CPA networks: fast growing with an innovative CEO committed to quality and service. So we were ... Read Article

    Google Forfeits $500 Million Generated by Online Ads & Prescription Drug Sales by Canadian Online Pharmacies

    From the Department of Justice: “Google Inc. has agreed to forfeit $500 million for allowing online Canadian pharmacies to place advertisements through ... Read Article

    Police Crackdown On Fake Anti-Virus & Online Pharmacies

    Have you ever been hit by a fake anti-virus alert on your computer? Do you know someone who has? More importantly, have ... Read Article

    FTC Aggression: Killing? Or Curing?

    The jury is in. And the verdict is that performance marketing has to clean up its act. Every week now we see ... Read Article

    Five Key Points On CA’s New Sales Tax

    Armageddon arrived two weeks ago in the fight against online sales taxes. California signed their version of the affiliate sales tax into ... Read Article

    Cagefight: Facebook vs MaxBounty

    The big news this week has been Facebook filing lawsuits against MaxBounty, Steven Richter and Jason Swan, the CTO of CPALead. The ... Read Article

    Botnet of 13 Million Computers Smashed

    On Wednesday Spanish authorities announced the arrest of three alleged ringleaders behind the Mariposa botnet. Mariposa is possibly the largest botnet yet ... Read Article

    Shock! Google Isn’t Infallible!

    It has become crystal clear over the last week that Google rushed the introduction of Google Buzz, did little or no external ... Read Article

    Fighting the Nexus Tax

    If you’re a performance marketer, you’ve probably heard of the “nexus” tax laws that are being proposed in several states (also known ... Read Article
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