• Pushing For Luxury

    Judging by the way our economy has plummeted in the last year, it seems the 2009 holiday season does not bode well ... Read Article

    Tried and True Performance Strategies

    There are a lot of ways to approach affiliate marketing. Here are a few of my favorite tips.Feature Co-branded Messaging –Among the ... Read Article

    Capitalizing on Fame

    Some say there’s no such thing as an overnight success. Others believe everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame. I don’t know ... Read Article

    Let's Get Personal

    Imagine that you are shopping at a department store and you ask a salesperson for men’s summer sandals and he takes you ... Read Article

    Participation Is Not Passive

    Elvis has left the building and he took the audience with him.The only people left are fellow participants. Social media has made ... Read Article

    Incentivize Your Audience

    Budgets are tightening, and advertisers need to boost ROI- fast. The social Web is gaining value not only as a medium that ... Read Article

    Blurring the Lines

    Recently, I posed my question to a diverse audience: "At your company, who is in charge of social media marketing? Raise your ... Read Article

    The Importance of Follow-through

    I am not a golfer- but I rented some clubs and hit at a driving range for the first time a few ... Read Article

    Passing the Test

    In the May/June Affiliate's Corner column, I wrote about the ways super-affiliates prefer to be approached by affiliate program managers and merchants ... Read Article

    Ringing IN and Hanging UP

    In the old days, a telephone came in two designs and had one ring. With the rise in cell phones, the styles ... Read Article

    Insurance for Conversion Rates

    Designing for conversions isn't rocket science. It's just the ability to design a website with particular ideas in mind. For this column ... Read Article

    The Posh Payoff

    Diamonds, private jets, multi-million-dollar mansions, haute couture, luxury vehicles and high-end handbags - customers looking for upscale goods and services could probably ... Read Article

    Guerrilla Generosity

    With the holiday season waiting just over the calendar horizon, I can't help but remember how holidays are disasters for the unprepared. ... Read Article

    Follow Up or Fall on Your Face

    Guerrilla affiliates know well the importance of customer followup and prospect follow-up because they know what it takes to succeed in business.Why ... Read Article

    Fair Game

    In-game advertising offers geotargeting of a captive and highly lucrative audience.National advertisers looking to reach mass audiences have had few choices online. ... Read Article
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