• At Your Service

    Today's utility companies are being driven to upgrade their aging transmission and distribution networks in the face of escalating energy generation costs, ... Read Article

    Customer Relationships and the Economy

    A little over a year ago, the challenges facing the global energy and utilities market were driving a significant wedge between utilities ... Read Article

    Be a People Person

    I have to admit it. Despite all the exciting new technologies out there, I am finding myself to be a people person ... Read Article

    A Smart Strategy for a Smart Grid

    Every year, utilities are faced with the critical decision of where to invest capital. These decisions are guided by several factors, such ... Read Article

    The Smart Grid Maturity Model

    The software industry has been using maturity models to define and measure software development capabilities for decades. These models have helped the ... Read Article

    The Smart Grid in Malta

    On the Mediterranean island of Malta, with a population of about 400,000 people on a land mass of just over 300 square ... Read Article

    An Australian Approach to Energy Innovation and Collaboration

    Just as global demand for energy is steadily increasing, so too, are the recognized costs of power generation. A recent report about ... Read Article

    Power and Patience

    The U.S. utility industry - particularly the electric-producing branch of it, there also are natural gas and water utilities - has found ... Read Article

    Surviving the Turmoil

    With the new administration talking about a trillion dollars of infrastructure investment, the time for the intelligent utility of the future is ... Read Article

    Measuring Smart Metering's Progress

    Smart or advanced electricity metering, using a fixed network communications path, has been with us since pioneering installations in the US Midwest ... Read Article

    Thinking Smart

    For more than 30 years, Newton- Evans Research Company has been studying the initial development and the embryonic and emergent stages of ... Read Article

    Customer Service in the Brave New World of Today's Utilities

    A NEW GENERATION OF CUSTOMER Today's utility customers are energy dependant, information driven, technologically advanced, willing to change and environmentally friendly. Their ... Read Article

    How Intelligent Is Your Grid?

    Many people in the utility industry see the intelligent grid — an electric transmission and distribution network that uses information technology to ... Read Article

    The GridWise Olympic Peninsula Project

    The Olympic Peninsula Project consisted of a field demonstration and test of advanced price signal-based control of distributed energy resources (DERs). Sponsored ... Read Article

    Ontario Pilot

    Smart metering technologies are making it possible to provide residential utility customers with the sophisticated "smart pricing" options once available only to ... Read Article
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