• Taking It Offline

    If baseball is the thinking person's game, then online advertising is the thinking person's medium. Much like the national pastime, part of ... Read Article

    Marketing Muscle

    Over the years stories about intimidation and goons knocking on the doors of various affiliates and search marketers have circulated at industry ... Read Article

    Colin McDougall: The Timekeeper

    This past summer, super-affiliate Colin McDougall traveled around British Columbia with his family in his newly purchased travel trailer. From mid-July through ... Read Article

    Online Is Sweet

    Food has recently been called everything from the new theater to the new porn. Regardless of how you think about food, you ... Read Article

    Search Is Getting Personal

    Your phone rings. A good friend is calling, more excited than you've heard her in months. "My book is on the home ... Read Article

    A Call to Action

    Someone is hijacking your traffic and stealing your commissions. That someone might be a competing affiliate marketer, or worse, the merchant whose ... Read Article

    You've Got Content, Now What?

    I find that many website owners are divided into two camps. One camp is very good at developing unique content and garnering ... Read Article


    It all started with Asa Candler, a "prescriptionist" in Atlanta 112 years ago. A modest pharmacist who dealt in tonics and medicines, ... Read Article

    Out of Commission

    How to Limit Commission Theft

    Guiding Lightly: Q & A with Anne Holland

    Anne Holland is the president of MarketingSherpa, which aims to help marketers advance by sharing real-world marketing data and hard-won lessons. The ... Read Article