• iPod, Therefore iTunes

    Affiliates interested in offering digital music downloads should pay tribute to Apple for legitimizing an over-hyped and under performing market that was ... Read Article

    Targeting Affiliates

    Name: John Hobson Job: Manager, Online Advertising, Target.com Date of Hire: September 2002 Previous Job: Manager, Online Advertising, FingerhutTarget's program is powered ... Read Article

    Stumped About Stopping Spyware

    Tuan Le is mad. And when he's upset, he speaks quietly, deliberately and very thoughtfully. He's hardly a hothead. But nothing gets ... Read Article

    The Journey to Become an Affiliate

    Malcolm Lubliner contacted me in early November, just a month into my taking over the duties as editor of Revenue. He was ... Read Article

    Know Your Audience

    When designing a Web site, you must take the intended audience into careful consideration. Whether the Web site is business-to-business or business-to-consumer, ... Read Article

    Spying Your Way to Profits

    Don't start thinking James Bond thoughts. Instead, think of spying on your competitors and yourself. Illegal spying? Perish the thought. I'm talking ... Read Article

    Three Great Search Engine Marketing Myths

    As search engine marketing has become ubiquitous and, in most marketers' minds, synonymous with generating profits from their Web sites, lore has ... Read Article

    Being Ben Edelman

    You'd be hard-pressed to find someone more knowledgeable or dedicated than Ben Edelman when it comes to the evils of spyware. The ... Read Article

    Affiliates Yearn For Standard Bearers

    Affiliate marketing is entering its adolescent phase, but the lack of standards for delivering data is inflicting some serious growing pains. If ... Read Article

    Converting Visitors to Buyers

    While affiliate Web sites can measure how many visitors and clicks they receive and send on through to merchants, that's only part ... Read Article

    Off the Mark

    Affiliates and Web publishers who sell goods from the most popular brand name merchants are losing traffic and revenue to Web sites ... Read Article

    Planning Future Growth

    Matt Ranta has not been an affiliate for very long. In fact, his Web page still has some kinks in it. He ... Read Article