• White Papers

    Public Attitudes on Wind Energy

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    With its vast potential, economic competitiveness, and rapid growth rate, wind energy is poised to become a significant power source in the 21st century. As it expands, so … Read Article

    Europe''s New Retail Market

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    The European Union plans to accelerate the pace of electricity and gas market liberalization and has introduced dates for the phased introduction of full retail competition (FRC) in … Read Article

    Rebuilding the Grid

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    I recently bought a top-of-the-line clock radio to replace the aging one I’d had for years. When I unpacked it, I began looking for the slot to insert … Read Article

    Just Don''t Do It

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    The draft Energy Bill cobbled together in the fall of 2003 was justly excoriated by everyone from actor Robert Redford to Sen. John McCain for the environmental problems … Read Article

    Network Revitalization

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Forces outside the control of the utility industry will create a pattern of change that will transform the way the industry operates and create significant opportunities for newcomers. … Read Article

    The Need for New Technology

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    The challenges to achieving a secure and sustainable energy future are both large and urgent. An energy future that continues recent trends is projected to result in global … Read Article

    A Reason to Invest in IT

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Apart from demonstrating the vulnerability of the electric grid, the American and European blackouts of 2003 put enormous pressure on energy companies to prove they’re serious about raising … Read Article

    Gas Markets in the New World Order

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Up to the moment of Enron’s demise, the world’s gas markets flourished with manageable volatility, providing good price discovery into the forward market. Gas held an enviable position … Read Article

    Local Power Generation

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    The recent spate of power outages across North America and Europe, and a number of environmental initiatives that are being pushed by European and UK governments, have led … Read Article

    RTO Technology Vision

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    Perhaps we should not measure the role of technology in realizing the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Standard Market Design by the volume of text that it is afforded … Read Article

    Meeting Information Demands

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    Over the past year, the energy industry has experienced a tremendous increase in the type and amount of information demanded by regulators and the broader market. A plethora … Read Article

    The Lessons of Deregulation

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    As leaders in the utility industry, part of your job is to conjure up a full understanding of both the perils and opportunities confronting your organizations. Given the … Read Article

    Network Asset Maintenance

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    In many jurisdictions, any negative customer impact is felt by the utility as a penalty payment, so network performance (system outages, voltage fluctuations) and customer management (such as … Read Article

    The Myth of Deregulation

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    In 1996, California passed the nation’s first and boldest electricity deregulation law. As we all know now, the state jumped off a cliff with no parachute, and the … Read Article

    On Performance Management

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    As the energy industry evolves, leveraging business intelligence becomes ever more important. The well-publicized problems of major energy traders over the last year have spurred a renewed emphasis … Read Article

    We Need Standard Market Design

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    No doubt in the future we will look back at this time as a turning point in the history of America’s $225 billion electricity industry. The past decade’s … Read Article

    Yallourn Energy Powers Maintenance Efforts with MRO Software''s Strategic Asset Management Solution: An MRO Software Case Study

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    Based in the Latrobe Valley in the Australian state of Victoria, 150 kilometers east of Melbourne, Yallourn Energy operates Australia’s second largest open cut coal mine and owns … Read Article

    Partial Deregulation and Credit

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on April 1, 2003

    Deregulation or, as it should be more properly called, restructuring of U.S. power markets was supposed to induce greater efficiencies and reduce prices to consumers. Restructuring should also … Read Article
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