By the time this gets posted it will already be May 8. Earlier in the week the celebration of Cinco de Mayo took place throughout Latino and Spanish speaking communities. Here in San Francisco it’s a tradition to go out for good Mexican food and music all while being bombarded by Corona marketing promos.

Have you been thinking about ways to work with advertisers and publishers serving a Spanish speaking audience online? There are a number of networks emerging to serve this segment of online marketers. One of them is our current partner, FOX Networks. Consider contacting them to learn more on its programs in this market.

Coming up the first week of June, Miami will be the host of the next Ad:Tech and the conference tracks are specifically tailored towards online marketing strategies for the Hispanic and Latin American markets.

My bi-lingual skills are a little bit rusty but I will include a small plug for Revenue’s upcoming Issue 24 ,which will be published as Revenue Gold (or Revenue de Oro), our 2008 Sourcebook and industry directory. Please contact our sales team to learn more about company listing and ad placement opportunities.