• Late for a Date

    This column was supposed to be the last in our series on redesigning SostreAssoc.com, the website for my design firm Sostre & ... Read Article

    Looking for a Few Good Affiliates

    Linda Woods, CEO of PartnerCentric, an outsourced affiliate program management group, says that affiliate recruitment is the hardest thing affiliate managers have ... Read Article

    Winning With Authority

    It's all good - from online advertising being up 25 percent, according to the IAB; to online commerce on the rise 23 ... Read Article

    Ad-Supported Nation

    There's no doubt that popular websites such as video clip destination Metacafe continue to be strong players because visitors know that when ... Read Article

    Looking for a Few Good Affiliates

    Linda Woods, CEO of PartnerCentric, an outsourced affiliate program management group, says that affiliate recruitment is the hardest thing affiliate managers have ... Read Article

    They Can Hear Us Now: Q & A with Laura Marriott

    The president of the Mobile Marketing Association says that ads on mobile devices will only get better, more widespread and easier to ... Read Article

    Fracas over Facebook and Trepidation with Twitter

    Since Facebook was featured on the cover of Newsweek magazine less than a year ago, it's been called everything from the social ... Read Article

    Rexanne Mancini: The Free Thinker

    Mancini says she thought the Internet was the wave of the future and wanted a way to connect and be part of ... Read Article

    Shine a Light

    It's been seven years since interactive agency Razorfish embarrassed itself on national television. When reporter Mike Wallace of CBS' "60 Minutes" asked ... Read Article

    Skinflint Search Marketing

    I admit it - I'm a skinflint. Call me a tightwad, a miser - I don't care. Basically, I'm cheap. And even ... Read Article

    Avoid the Blog Drivel

    I degraded myself as a content publisher twice last week. In both cases, after reviewing my Google Alerts and picking the day's ... Read Article

    Late for a Date

    This column was supposed to be the last in our series on redesigning SostreAssoc.com, the website for my design firm Sostre & ... Read Article

    Video + Twitter = Seesmic

    I recently had to stop Twittering. It was awful. The doctors said I would go blind.Seriously folks, even for as big of ... Read Article