• White Papers

    The Need for New Technology

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    The challenges to achieving a secure and sustainable energy future are both large and urgent. An energy future that continues recent trends is projected to result in global … Read Article

    A Reason to Invest in IT

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Apart from demonstrating the vulnerability of the electric grid, the American and European blackouts of 2003 put enormous pressure on energy companies to prove they’re serious about raising … Read Article

    Gas Markets in the New World Order

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Up to the moment of Enron’s demise, the world’s gas markets flourished with manageable volatility, providing good price discovery into the forward market. Gas held an enviable position … Read Article

    Local Power Generation

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    The recent spate of power outages across North America and Europe, and a number of environmental initiatives that are being pushed by European and UK governments, have led … Read Article

    Open Letter to California''s Governor

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Dear Gov. Schwarzenegger: As academics and former government officials with a broad understanding of energy and regulatory issues, we followed with interest your discussion of these concerns during … Read Article

    Economic Development Partnering

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Regulated utilities compete every day. They try to persuade other corporations to locate operations within the utility’s service area. Today, all corporations evaluate their global choices, appraising such … Read Article

    Sarbanes-Oxley – A Call to Action

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    If you work for a publicly traded US company, chances are you’re pretty familiar with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). As a result of SOX, CEOs and CFOs have … Read Article

    On-Demand Practices for Utilities

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Not all outages can be prevented, nor is it economically feasible to do so. But customers are demanding new levels of service and expect utilities to respond and … Read Article

    Driving the Enterprise

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Enterprise performance management (EPM) is a slippery term that is difficult to define. It has a few aliases, such as corporate performance management (CPM) and business performance management … Read Article

    Managing Customers for Value

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Customer relationships are the most important asset of an energy retailer and represent the value of an energy retail business. Yet how many retailers out there can truly … Read Article

    Energy Asset Optimization

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Since the latter half of 2002, the industry has been in a back-to-basics mode of operation. The focus, once on unregulated businesses and acquisitions, has returned to obtaining … Read Article

    The CIS Market in Transformation

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Customer information systems (CIS) is a hub for customer-facing and revenue cycle processing activity with functional footprint covering operational and a segment of collaborative customer relationship management. CIS … Read Article

    Price Discovery and Data Hubs

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Gas and electricity price indices play a central role in the price discovery process in the energy market. Moreover, these indices are used to determine prices on billions … Read Article

    AMR – More Than Reading a Meter

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Ten years ago, unleaded gas cost an average of $1.11 per gallon, the median family income was about $45,000, natural gas cost about $6.16 per thousand cubic feet, … Read Article

    Will M&A Return?

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    The volume of utility merger and acquisition transactions declined precipitously in North America over the last two years following what was an extremely active period. However, the pace … Read Article

    Global Sourcing: Getting Started

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    Sourcing work to offshore locations and/or moving global resources to domestic locations to perform work has been gaining momentum over the last several years as companies increasingly are … Read Article

    Energy Merchant Turmoil

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    In less than a decade, US energy merchant companies have gone from the cradle to the graveside, if not the grave itself. In just two years, well over … Read Article

    Enterprise Learning

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on March 11, 2004

    OK, we all get it. Those aging assets that were obscured in the glare of traders’ profit visions a mere two years ago are now the key to … Read Article
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