• Pretenders vs. Contenders

    We're all looking for the next big thing in online marketing. We're marketers. We're innovators. We're hungry for new techniques, tools and ... Read Article

    Search Wars

    Even though Google would prefer not to be a verb, the search giant is just that and more. To Google is to ... Read Article

    Getting Into the Mashup Mix

    It's become a new art form to combine various existing elements to create something totally new. However, it can also be dangerous ... Read Article

    Shaping Up Your Business

    Facebook, of course, is the social networking site college students used to call their own. Since the site opened up to the ... Read Article

    Marketing Reality: Q & A with Joel Comm

    Joel Comm has been building websites for over 12 years. He sold his first business to Yahoo in 1997 and it became ... Read Article

    Power Plays

    By their brief descriptions - "online auction website" and "Internet searching and online advertising company" - it does not sound like eBay ... Read Article

    Home Office Advantage

    Many online marketers started out working from home as a way to escape the Dilbert-like cubicle farms of corporate life in favor ... Read Article

    Video Goes Viral

    Thanks to social networking sites such as YouTube, online video has quickly become an everyday part of the online experience. While marketers ... Read Article

    Search Marketing Is Direct Marketing

    When I say the word "marketing," what do you think of? Probably some kind of advertising - maybe a TV commercial for ... Read Article

    Passing the Test

    In the May/June Affiliate's Corner column, I wrote about the ways super-affiliates prefer to be approached by affiliate program managers and merchants ... Read Article

    Making Over My Own Site

    Being "Dr. Makeover" comes with plenty of pressure. There's an expectation that everything I touch will be inherently beautiful and optimized for ... Read Article

    Old Dog, New Tricks

    Forrester's March report, "Email Marketing Comes of Age," finds that clickthrough rates have remained steady since 2003, at an average of 5 ... Read Article

    Look Out!

    Last night you read on your local newspaper's website about how gas prices could reach $4 a gallon this summer, so you ... Read Article

    Ringing IN and Hanging UP

    In the old days, a telephone came in two designs and had one ring. With the rise in cell phones, the styles ... Read Article

    The Desire to Acquire

    The new geography features auction-based ad exchanges and conglomerated companies with divisions that buy, sell and distribute ads: something that would have ... Read Article
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