Print Ads are Working by Tobias Siegel, February 17, 2009 There is a lot going on this week and you should have received our August Newsletter which launched on Wednesday. Don’t miss out upcoming editorial updates from our Editor-in-Chief, Lisa Picarille; a new Affiliate Tip column from Ellie Johnston, Affiliate Director at HydraNetwork; Five Questions with Daniel Yomtobian, CEO of; and Ask Jim Kukral. There are also updates on upcoming August industry events and conferences. AdvertisingAge recently had an enlightening article about the continued relevance of print magazines and what readers think of magazine ads. I’d love to know your take on this issue. Also, what do you like about print magazines? I love reading, sharing and selling advertising in print magazines. Look no further as ad placements in the September/October issue are filling up quick and we are coming up on ad creative deadlines in less than two weeks. If you need to secure an ad placement call our ad sales team to find out how you can take advantage of our bonus distribution at Commission Junction University (CJU); Ad:Tech New York and London; Affiliate Summit London; DMA Chicago; CAP Euro; TRAFFIC; ClickZ Events and more. Filed under: Revenue