February Kick-Off by Tobias Siegel, February 17, 2009 January’s over and the Super Bowl XLI kick off if is just a few days away. Time is flying. Did you meet your goals for the end of the month? Based on my preliminary feedback 2007 looks like it’s going to be a banner year. Did I say banner? Well, get yours to us so we can kick off February with you ad in our monthly newsletter, which goes out Wednesday, February 7. The ad creative is due this Friday, February 2.Valentine’s Day is right around the corner so put your heart out there with a little something from one of our great advertisers – PersonalizationMall.com. And if your on the road during the time of roses and chocolates you may be headed to Palm Springs for eTail 2007. I won’t personally be there to share the love, but there will be plenty of copies of Revenue magazine at the show. And most importantly Revenue is in the home stretch of our ad allocation run for the upcoming issue and you don’t want to miss out. You’ve got less than two weeks to secure your ad position in the March/April 2007 edition of Revenue. This issue will put you front and center at Ad:Tech San Francisco and Search Engine Strategies New York.And speaking of shows and events….if you happen to be in Hollywood this week you should check out the inaugural DOMAINfest Global exhibition and conference for domainers being held from January 31 to February 3 at the Renaissance Hotel in Los Angeles.Let me know if I can help you spread the love. T.Siegel@RevenueToday.com Filed under: Revenue