• White Papers

    Re-Evaluating a Core/Noncore Electric Market

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    It is difficult to discuss or propose a core/noncore market structure without discussing California’s previous retail market restructuring effort. Many academics and others have written papers pointing out … Read Article

    Toward Intelligent Grids

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    The promise of the intelligent energy grid remains elusive; however, a steady wave of innovation in communication and information technologies, combined with advancement in emerging energy technologies, is … Read Article

    Prioritizing Growth

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    After years of cost cutting and risk management to bring companies “back to the basics” in response to the market anomalies, reliability issues and regulatory uncertainty of the … Read Article

    Transforming Communication Infrastructure

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    For a long time the standard point-to-point analog line to a substation was all that was needed in the grid of the past. It worked well for many … Read Article

    Good Energy Policy = Balanced and Diversified

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Dear Secretary Bodman: Thank you for your outreach to democrats, former Energy secretaries and Western governors. I represent each of these categories and appreciate the fact that you … Read Article

    The LNG Question

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    During 2000, natural gas prices in the United States took a longanticipated turn, and market watchers are now waiting (at the time of writing) for mean reversion to … Read Article

    Restructuring as Erosion

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Throughout 2005, five anniversaries will mark mileposts in public power’s pursuit to protect electricity consumers and strengthen the value of community ownership of electric utilities. The first is … Read Article

    Putting Performance First

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Poor financial performance in 2001-2003 has led utilities to re-examine their management approach. Utilities that are making it out of the slump have implemented new management techniques such … Read Article

    Toward a Capacity Demand Curve Market

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    The market for electric generation facilities has passed through several stages in the transition to more competitive markets. Questions over the viability of competitive markets gave way to … Read Article

    Benefits Realization

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Pick up any current periodical – from CIO magazine to Fortune to BusinessWeek – and you only have to skim the table of contents to find articles titled … Read Article

    Understanding Selection Bias

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Selection bias can be defined as “a nonrandom participation in a program offer leading to damaging financial results.” It can affect the profitability of any product line where … Read Article

    Outsourcing Becomes ‘Partnering’

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    The energy and utilities marketplace is one of the most challenging business environments that exist today, and it is also an industry sector where business transformation outsourcing (BTO) … Read Article

    Investing in Renewable Energy

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    For the first 50 years following the passage of the Depression-era Public Utilities Holding Company Act, governmental regulation of the electric utility industry largely restricted investments in electric … Read Article

    The Next Generation of Energy Trading

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Investments in energy trading, curtailed in the wake of the turbulent years following 2000, have begun to swing back, and agile companies are identifying new models to improve … Read Article

    The Changing Face of Utility M&A

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Since the enactment of the National Energy Policy Act of 1992, there have been approximately 90 announced mergers between, or acquisitions of, publicly traded gas and/or electric utility … Read Article

    Workforce Renewal: A CEO’s Strategic Imperative

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    The production of electricity and gas, the primary sources of revenue for most utilities, requires a wide variety of assets. Most of these assets are mechanical or electrical … Read Article

    Using the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    Who would have predicted that significant help in managing operational risks would come from such an unlikely source: Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act? But, by voluntarily extending … Read Article

    Pollutants, Resources and Nanotechnology

    by mThink on May 23, 2005

    The embryonic field of nanotechnology, which has been receiving much attention of late, aspires to the control of matter at molecular and near-molecular scales, in emulation of the … Read Article
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