Harnessing the Power of the Intelligent Grid to Innovate / Enhance Efficiency and Reliability of Utility by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book, May 14, 2007 The Challenge The electric power infrastructure is a foundation of American prosperity and one of the key elements of the digital economy of the future. This vital asset is under pressure – issues such as continuing growth in demand, the importance of power quality and reliability in a digital society, aging workforce and assets, physical and cyber security of the electric infrastructure and environmental and cost pressures all combine to drive the need for change. This change can come in the form of implementing an intelligent grid for the electric utility, providing communications and computer control to create a highly automated, responsive and resilient power delivery system. Harnessing the Power of the Intelligent Grid Addressing these challenges, IBM and CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CNP) – a Houston-based domestic electric energy delivery company that includes transmission and distribution utility operations – are moving toward modernizing CNP’s electric grid through transforming business processes and reliability and by utilizing advanced technology. Much of the technology – hardware, software, new materials – has already been proven, by utility pioneers or by other industries. The intelligent grid utilizes technology in three important ways: 1) automating the grid to harden it and make it less costly; 2) integrating the electric grid to create an end-to-end network for quickly acquiring and transporting data from millions of end points; and 3) expanding the value of the grid beyond typical utility needs to support new services and new markets offered by retailers. IBM and CNP have developed an intelligent grid road map that aligns with the DOE’s “Grid 2030” and EPRI’s IntelliGrid Framework. There are three key components of the intelligent grid architecture that include: Event Avoidance Remote load profiling/management Grid event diagnostics Advanced data analysis Grid condition sensing and predictive response Self-Healing Grid Improved asset management/visibility Real-time grid condition monitoring Automated grid switching Meter as a sensor Transformer load management Condition-based crew dispatching Grid event detection and location Advanced Meter Infrastructure Meters Meter interrogation Meter connect/disconnect Outage notification Two-way communications with meters The components of the intelligent grid are the important building blocks of the smart delivery systems. They help to look at preventive care to the network by identifying and repairing intermittent grid problems to minimize outages. The system is built with real-time sensing, thus providing the ability to react to disturbances and helping to maintain a healthy and secure power grid. One area not to overlook is the need for continuous monitoring to be able to dynamically optimize the performance and robustness of the power grid. An intelligent grid becomes a sensing network that connects all parts of the electric power distribution infrastructure, enabling automatic data collection, storage and analytics to support management of assets and operations with improved observability, ultimately delivering efficient system reliability. This allows sensor devices such as meter relays to communicate over the network via middleware services that can connect and communicate with both legacy and modern backoffice systems as well as field operations devices that monitor and control power line equipment. The back-office functions can include: finance and administration, customer management, human resources and procurement. The field operations devices can help a utility to manage asset life cycle, advanced metering and mobile workforces. This cycle can look at the overall analytics and update the systems to continuously provide the appropriate feedback and data to support the required back-end functions. This is all done over a flexible and open architecture – one that is safe and secure. Advanced Metering Is Catalyst for the Intelligent Grid The Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 1252 requires regulatory commissions to consider new standards relating to electric rates and service, and encourages “time-based pricing and other forms of demand response, whereby electricity customers are provided with electricity price signals and the ability to benefit by responding to them.” Advanced meters and demand response use enabling technologies, such as sensors, that act as catalysts for the development of the intelligent grid. The IBM/CNP Intelligent Grid Solution involves installing, testing and monitoring automated meter reading (AMR) of electric meters, remote connection and disconnection of electric service and automated outage detection and restoration. Broadband over powerline (BPL) technology will be used for the data communications network. Communication The CNP intelligent grid and advanced metering strategy requires a communications capability that enables extensive real-time grid observability. This includes monitoring, data transport and integration, along with the analytics necessary to provide input to automated processes to support advanced decision making in the areas of operations, customer services and asset management. BPL was chosen as the communication network because it provides a robust, secure communications infrastructure overlaying the grid and is capable of managing high-speed data flow for critical utility applications. CNP has chosen an open architecture and is working with IBM as the system integrator to implement this solution. This communication backhaul network can be segregated into four distinct segments or tiers: Tier 1 Major backhaul: data center to the substations Tier 2 Minor backhaul: substations to the intelligent grid device or meter relay Tier 3 Wireless meter data collector communications with the meter Tier 4 Meter to Zigbee wireless connection to home energy management devices This communication network can link all the components of the intelligent grid to provide a path for the data to be transmitted back to the data centers for processing. Advanced Metering Infrastructure Advanced metering provides the cornerstone for the smart grid, enabling a more fluid and competitive retail market while enhancing a utility’s ability to improve reliability, customer service, operational efficiency and energy conservation. Advanced metering and an intelligent grid will also expand electric competition in the Texas market by allowing retail energy providers (REPs) to offer more services without large investments in technology. This will be accomplished by more transparency of pricing and insight into choices available in the market. Advanced metering, acting as a cornerstone for the smart grid, also provides a platform that 1) enables customers to make energy conservation decisions that help protect the environment, 2) affords utilities’ advanced outage identification and enhanced power restoration capabilities and 3) permits the integration of energy produced by customer-owned renewable sources (such as solar or wind applications) into the network. The drivers for AMI included both business and technical needs. The model selected by IBM and CNP addresses issues related to both AMI and service management, as outlined below. For AMI, business needs are focused around the market terms and conditions (timely and accurate monthly reads along with on-demand reads) and compliance with the Public Utility Commission of Texas’ advanced metering rules that are currently under development. AMI technical needs look at the meter functions (voltage alerts, real-time measurements, and time and date stamps) and is built on an open architecture (imperative for allowing the system to be flexible and grow to meet changing technologies). Automated meters play a critical role in the intelligent grid architecture by providing another sensing device. This innovative approach transforms the meter role from simply a usage recorder into a network sensor and portal, thus enabling the lag time, or the “latency,” of providing meter information to the network to be as low as possible. The current work with CNP and IBM focuses on understanding latency throughout the intelligent grid in order to increase the speed of data transfer to improve diagnostics on system status, thus enabling faster automated restoration of power when outages occur. For service management, business needs dictate looking at ways to reduce cost by exercising remote meter connect/disconnect, self-service portals and self-healing systems. Key to this activity will be the ability to gather meter data for analysis and usage, voltage profiling and load management. The service management technical needs require building an infrastructure that can support the remote device control, meter status reporting, outage/restoration reporting and diagnostic and distribution analytics. The meters will need to have two-way communication capability and provide data on theft and tampering flags. The solution that CNP and IBM are creating has the capability to send firmware changes to meters to avoid having to change them out as new market requirements evolve. Figure 1 shows successive increase in improvement as the scope of metering is broadened. AMI Selection IBM helped CNP with the AMI selection criteria for both meter vendor and MDM (meter data management) solutions for the proposed limited deployment of 10,000 meters in 2007. One of the key criteria was having an open system that was scalable to meet CNP’s growing needs. The decision process spanned the following key areas: regulatory, business, technical and operational. Figure 2 illustrates the key criteria for each of these areas. At the conclusion of the selection process, Itron’s OpenWay™ CENTRON® electricity meter and eMeter’s MDM solution were chosen for the proposed limited deployment. The eMeter MDM is built on a core application known as EnergyIP which has adapters that can be built to interface with legacy systems and the AMI network and meter provider. The MDM includes an AMI management database that maintains the complex relationship between the meter, account premise, service point and communication node. It processes real-time information using an integrated message bus that connects AMI meter systems to meter data processing and business process management applications. The eMeter MDM also uses realtime messaging services to connect interface adapters that are tied to CNP’s legacy systems. The MDM information can also be viewed via web portals built by IBM using web services APIs. The MDM collects meter reading and event information via connection to Itron’s Openway servers. Itron’s OpenWay meter architecture is a true two-way communication system to the meters with the ability to make firmware changes to each meter unit. The meter’s communication across a radio frequency network uses already-established ANSI standard protocols (C12.22) and are picked up via an OpenWay cell relay. This OpenWay cell relay is connected to the communication backhaul via interface with the BPL boxes. Data is then sent over the secure BPL communications network to the OpenWay servers/collection engine. The CNP AMI solution uses all the technologies described to build a flexible and innovative approach to the metering system. The solution architecture, along with the data access features, will allow thirdparty portal access for retail energy providers and support innovative customer premise services and home area network capabilities. CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC is a subsidiary of CenterPoint Energy, Inc., a domestic energy delivery company that includes electric transmission and distribution, natural gas distribution, competitive natural gas sales and services, interstate pipelines and field services operations. Filed under: White Papers Tagged under: Utilities About the Author Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book Chris Trayhorn is the Chairman of the Performance Marketing Industry Blue Ribbon Panel and the CEO of mThink.com, a leading online and content marketing agency. He has founded four successful marketing companies in London and San Francisco in the last 15 years, and is currently the founder and publisher of Revenue+Performance magazine, the magazine of the performance marketing industry since 2002.