Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Better Outage Management by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book, January 15, 2002 Introduction In recent years, power utilities have had major concerns about the issue of managing outages — especially unplanned ones caused by acts of nature — and major equipment failures. In response to this concern, there have been a variety of products relating to outage management systems (OMS) and packages offered by providers. Industry marketing studies continue to report that OMS — as well as distribution management systems (DMS) will continue to grow in importance, as power delivery system reliability becomes a competitive factor and as reliability-performance measures are increasingly scrutinized by public utility commissions. These findings have been reported in North American and international electric power SCADA, DMS and distribution automation segments: “One of the issues facing potential new users of outage management software is the ‘stand-alone’ versus the ‘integrated’ nature of the application. Unlike many other utility applications, outage management is totally reliant on external linkages to customer information system, SCADA/DMS systems and service dispatching-crew scheduling operations. The need for OMS suppliers to combine elements of the real-time SCADA system with transaction-oriented and event-driven information systems is critical. The need for OMS to be geographically driven is yet another consideration.”1 A successful OMS implementation needs strong interdepartmental coordination. No single business unit is responsible for OMS. A coordinated inter-department project team seems to be the best way to undertake these enterprise-type programs and projects. In the next sections of this paper, the enterprise application integration (EAI) technology adapted in the City Public Service of San Antonio (CPS) is described — after its enterprise project is presented — in addition to a brief background for enterprise solutions that emphasize technologies and standards. Then, different business processes for outages from different sources are described and the OMS role in these processes is identified. Finally the available tools to the System Operator (SO) are listed, and the improvements in system performance are highlighted. Re-Engineering CPS’ Enterprise Systems CPS has been engaged in a very ambitious effort to re-engineer its entire enterprise systems, from billing systems to OMS. It is accomplishing this enormous effort by acquiring new applications such as mySAP Utilities (SAP AG), which includes Financials, Materials Management, Customer Care, and Work Management components. In addition, a work management information system (Logica) and a distribution management system (Siemens) were selected. Logica’s WMIS is closely tied to the SAP product and the Siemens DMS is closely tied to the SCADA system, which is also from Siemens. CPS has also contracted for upgrades to existing legacy applications for GIS (Bentley Systems) and MDS (MDSI Inc.). Many homegrown legacy applications have been targeted for integration as well. The integrated systems are scheduled to be operational by the first quarter of 2002. Background: Technologies and Standards Throughout the industry, enterprise integration has taken on a whole new importance. In a fast moving deregulated environment, it is important for companies to be responsive to changing market conditions that occur due to regulation changes, new business opportunities and market movements that can’t be anticipated today. This technology separates the various layers and makes them independent of each other, providing the ability to change systems much faster and more effectively with fewer problems. Several projects started in the mid-1990s began to address the need for a standardized method to exchange information, including the Electric Power Research Institute’s Control Center Application Programming Interface project2, a National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association Inventory Management system, the EPRI Customer Interface project known as CS2000, and the Kansas City Power and Light control center integration project. Fundamentally, these projects have focused on the same basic issue of integrating process information with corporate information using standardized and extendible methodologies. While these U.S. projects have progressed, the need for a standard integration technique has also been acknowledged within international standards bodies such as the International Electrotechnical Committee, Technical Committee 57, and the Object Management Group. In particular, the Utility Integration Bus is being designed for submission to the Control Center Application Program Interface (CCAPI) working group, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and Object Management Group (OMG) for consideration.3-7 Why EAI? As previously mentioned, there are multiple departments/divisions in the power utility dealing with the outages. During an outage lifecycle, these entities are performing various tasks. Some of them are: 1. Call-taker or Customer Service Representative enters the order 2. Order processing in the Customer Information System 3. SO groups and studies the order, generates the switching procedures and identifies the required repair works 4. Dispatcher receives the work orders and assign them to field crew 5. Field crew obtains clearance, drives to the site, performs the required work and then reports the status to the dispatcher/supervisor 6. Dispatcher/supervisor sorts the orders and reports them to CIS 7. CSR calls back to the customer Power utilities deploy different automation systems to cover some of these steps. However, the daily operations need these islands of automation coupled. Since there is no single vendor offering a global solution for all utility needs, the need for a flexible and easy-to-use interface system among these islands of automation is inevitable. The heart of this integration strategy is EAI. By definition, EAI stands for “bringing together multiple applications to automate enterprise level business processes.” In other words, it bridges disparate applications for comprehensive enterprise-wide solutions. EAI is not a database, a middleware, an application server, nor a workflow application. However, all of these functions are involved in an EAI solution. The immediate advantages of implementing EAI technology can be listed as: 1. Avoid multiple interfaces between an application and the rest of them by implementing only one interface per application; 2. De-couple application upgrade (or possibly replacement) from the enterprise upgrade; 3. Isolate applications from the data structure and format of other applications. These can translate into reduced maintenance cost and efforts enterprise-wide and provide greater flexibility to add new applications or replace the existing ones, even on gradual basis. EAI Solution for CPS Enterprise In the first stage of the CPS enterprise project, CPS carefully identified business processes and system requirements by working with consultants and vendors for the re-engineering effort referred to as Business Information System. In parallel, Siemens conducted a study for the integration of legacy applications involved in outages, identifying middleware products as the most effective way of tying all of the new and existing applications at CPS. Figure 1 presents the overall architecture adopted for CPS enterprise project as the results of these efforts. Figure 1 – The CPS EAI Environment A typical EAI environment consists of many legacy and new applications, component adapters and enterprise servers. An enterprise server hosts a common message bus. This server may also include data translation and data transformation software. Data translation and transformation software makes applications independent from each other. In the CPS project, MQSeries server is used as the common bus. MQSeries Integrator is the data translation and transformation software. A component adapter is a piece of software that bridges the gap between legacy application and an MQSeries Server. Typically, a component adapter runs on the application server, and may use the legacy application data exchange techniques to interface with the application. Adapters use MQSeries APIs to exchange the data with MQSeries Server. MQSeries client APIs is used in this project. XML is used as the data format between the component adapters. XML is chosen because it’s universally accepted and easy to understand. It’s also easy for any data translation software to map one XML structure to another. For all outgoing data, component adapters convert the legacy application data to XML format. Reverse process is done for the incoming data. MQSeries Integrator is used for any XML transformation if needed. The use of proper middleware tools and XML helps an EAI environment to achieve a seamless integration of any heterogeneous applications. Outage Related Business Processes Outage related business processes are divided into the three major categories: trouble call, SCADA-recognized outages, and planned outages. These categories are described in the following text. Trouble Call Business Process Figure 2 presents the business process for the outages recognized by trouble calls. A customer calls through IVR or CSR to reach the customer information system. After filtering the calls for repeated calls or known outages (if any), a call notification or trouble ticket (TT) is issued and sent to OMS. OMS either groups the new TT with existing outage records by using DMS applications or creates a new order request (OR). Provisions are provided to the SO to receive the alarm and associate it to the OR and the circuit diagram (including the geographic location). OMS provides the probable cause of outage by identifying the upstream disconnecting device(s) that might be opened/tripped. Figure 2 – Business Process for Trouble Calls The fully integrated OMS/SCADA/DMS system provides a user friendly and flexible environment to the SO to create switching procedures that isolate the faulty segment and restore the power. Also, simulation tools are available to study the effects of generated switching procedures on the network. The SO creates the job requests necessary to rectify the outage (including job types/codes). Each job request, with the coordination of the WMS through Plant Maintenance, is translated to a work order which is sent to a mobile data system. The dispatcher schedules the work and assigns field crew to perform the job requested by the SO. Crew ID, work status, and estimated time to repair are part of the data provided by MDS to OMS. The SO monitors the status of each work order, creates new job requests if necessary, and closes the OR when satisfied. OMS automatically sends messages to CIS whenever there is a change in the energization status of parts of the network, estimated time to repair, or OR status. CIS is capable of initiating callbacks (if necessary/required) based on the information provided by OMS. Business Process for SCADA-Recognized Outages The trouble call business process is designed in such a way that it can cover SCADA recognized outages as well. The only difference is in the creation of the OR. After SCADA identified de-energized segment(s) in the network, OMS creates an OR and sends the message to CIS identifying the de-energized transformers. Afterwards receiving new trouble calls are treated as in the previous business process. Business Process for Planned Outage The planned outage business process is divided in two phases: planning, and execution. In the planning phase, the WMS identifies the list of transformers to be maintained for specific period and sends the message to OMS via plant maintenance. The SO studies the list by using DMS applications and, if necessary, modify the list and generate the switching procedures to perform the maintenance work. OMS sends the message back tothe plant manager with the modifications. Affected customers will be notified by letters or called sometime prior to the execution phase. In the execution phase, the switching procedure(s) will be performed by the SO through SCADA, or field crew similar to the trouble call business process. The rest of the activities will be similar to the trouble call business process. Achievements The main features provided to the SO by these business processes in general, and OMS capabilities in particular can be summarized as: 1. Group trouble calls and identify the problem area 2. Monitor all activities related to the outage during its lifecycle 3. Generate switching procedures and study their effects 4. Perform part of switching procedures via SCADA (if possible) 5. Generate job requests necessary for isolation, repair, or restoration 6. Close the OR 7. Calculate and update the reliability indices 8. Generate reports for current outages or closed ones in different levels of the network in different time frames The integrated OMS/SCADA/DMS performs a number of tasks automatically after receiving the trouble calls (or SCADA events): grouping the call, associating the call to an existing OR or creating a new one, and identifying the de-energized sections and probable problem area. Also, OMS provides a user-friendly environment for the SO to create the switching procedures and job requests and send them with a minimal number of steps. This provides the SO the opportunity to monitor the overall outage situation and all activities around it with minimal intervention/operation. Consequently, the SO will be able to handle multiple OR’s simultaneously during crisis events, such as major storms. OMS provides a sorting mechanism to assist the SO in concentrating on OR’s with specific criteria (e.g., the number of critical customers affected, lost power, etc.). Conclusion Making use of the latest enterprise tools such as MQ Series Integrator with XML, Siemens is using industry standards (or de-facto standards) to create an efficient, timely, full integration with the CPS enterprise. This strategy helps to reduce development effort and costs with fewer errors. Placing integration processing in a central location also reduces future maintenance costs. This strategy permits future changes to the system that can be handled in the middleware rather than rewriting point-to-point interfaces. The net result for the SO is to work with an integrated system that provides a full picture of all tasks relevant to outages with minimal work. Footnotes 1 “Automation Perspectives,” Chuck Newton, Transmission & Distribution World, May 2001, p16. 2 EPRI Control center Application Program Interfaces Task Force, 3 “Open Applications Group Common Middleware API Specification, Version 1.0,” August 1999. 4 “IEC 61968-1 Interface Architecture and General Requirements” 5 “IEC 61970 Energy Management System Application Program Interface,” September, 1999. 6 “Utility Integration Bus (UIB) White Paper, Version 1.2,” November 1998. 7 “Introducing The First Part of A new Standard For System Interfaces For Distribution Management Systems (DMS),” E. Lambert, W.D. Wilson, Paper 3-23, 15th Int. Conf. On Electricity Distribution (CIRED), June 1998. Filed under: White Papers Tagged under: Utilities About the Author Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book Chris Trayhorn is the Chairman of the Performance Marketing Industry Blue Ribbon Panel and the CEO of, a leading online and content marketing agency. He has founded four successful marketing companies in London and San Francisco in the last 15 years, and is currently the founder and publisher of Revenue+Performance magazine, the magazine of the performance marketing industry since 2002.