Closing the Renewable Energy Gap by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book, March 11, 2004 The US depends on large, centralized power plants that run on fossil fuels and nuclear power. As a result, it has an electricity system that is increasingly vulnerable to volatile fuel prices, supply disruptions, and dependency on foreign imports. Fossil fuels also pose serious risks to health, air quality, water supplies, and the earth’s climate. Fortunately, this growing reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear power can be reduced with clean renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and bio-energy. These safe, homegrown energy sources are readily available, increasingly cost effective, and highly popular with consumers. Recent studies have shown that increasing America’s use of renewable resources would create a more diverse and secure energy system that pollutes less, creates jobs, benefits consumers, and stimulates rural economies. Despite the benefits, there exists an enormous “renewable energy gap” in the United States. Significant market and commercialization barriers force renewable energy to compete on an uneven playing field with fossil fuels. As a result, renewable energy sources (not including hydropower) generate about 2 percent of our electricity today. Worse, there is no significant national policy to help renewable energy overcome these barriers. Without new policy support, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts renewable energy generation will increase to just 3 percent of the nation’s electricity by 2025. The good news is that a few states are taking the clean energy lead by setting an example for other states and the nation to follow. These states have adopted policies like renewable electricity standards and funds, which are designed to remove barriers and establish long-term markets for renewable energy. But do they go far enough to put us on the path toward energy sustainability and independence? Boundless Potential Of all the barriers that face renewable energy, an adequate resource base is not one of them. The United States is blessed with a wealth of diverse renewable resources. Combined, the major non-hydroelectric renewable technologies (wind, solar, geothermal, and bioenergy) have the technical potential to provide more than five times the amount of electricity this country currently uses.1 Renewable resources are well-dispersed throughout the country. Every state has enough renewable energy technical potential to generate at least one-quarter of its electricity needs. Thirty states have the technical potential to generate all of their electricity from renewable energy. Of course, not all of the technical renewable energy potential will be tapped, due to economic, physical, and other limitations. But these resources are certainly sufficient to support a gradual increase in renewable energy use of 1 percent per year, to at least 20 percent by 2020 or 2025. This level has been advocated by a growing number of environmental and consumer groups, and energy companies as an achievable and appropriate mid-term goal in the transition to a more sustainable energy system. Despite the boundless potential and strong interest from consumers, only a few states are currently generating electricity from renewable energy at meaningful levels. In 2001, renewable energy provided more than 5 percent of total electricity use in just seven states – Alabama, California, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Vermont – and less than 1 percent in 23 of the states. Sadly, most of the states with low penetrations of renewable energy also have significant renewable energy potential. State Leadership A growing number of states have recently implemented policies to increase the use of these clean, homegrown resources. Renewable electricity standards (RES), for example, have emerged in the past several years as an effective and popular tool for reducing existing market barriers and creating new markets for renewable energy. The RES (sometimes called a renewable portfolio standard or RPS) is a simple market-based policy that increases power supply diversity by establishing a minimum commitment to generate electricity from renewable resources. RES requirements and design varies from state to state, but the policy essentially requires electricity providers to gradually increase the share of renewable energy in their electricity mix. To date, 13 states have established minimum renewable electricity standards. Renewable electricity funds, often referred to as public benefits funds, also emerged as a popular policy tool for supporting renewable power during restructuring of the electric industry. Funds are collected through a small fee on consumers’ monthly electricity bills. Funding is then distributed to support programs promoting renewable energy development, with the focus varying from state to state based on local priorities and interests. To date, 15 states have implemented renewable electricity funds that, cumulatively, are projected to collect more than $4 billion to promote clean, sustainable energy by 2017. Eight states – Arizona, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – have implemented both funds and renewable electricity standards. Together, state standards and funds have created significant new markets for renewable energy that will provide important economic and environmental benefits well into the future. We estimate that these state policies will lead to the development of 17,310 MW of new renewable energy capacity by 2017 – enough to meet the electricity needs of 11.7 million typical homes (see Figure 1). An additional 7,325 MW of existing renewable energy capacity receives ongoing support from these policies, for a total of 24,635 MW. Though there are 20 states with standards and/or funds contributing to this total, it is important to note that more than 80 percent of the development is supported by policies in just five states. By 2017, the new development resulting from states with standards and funds could reduce annual carbon emissions from fossil fuel plants by an estimated 14.3 million metric tons (MMT). This is equivalent to taking 7.8 million cars off the road. Renewable electricity standards and funds are not the only policies that states have adopted to stimulate the growth of the renewable energy industry. States policies such as net metering, generation disclosure, financial incentives, and state government purchase requirements have been effective at removing some market barriers and promoting some renewable energy development. In addition, energy consumers in every state now have the opportunity to support renewable energy directly through voluntary green power purchases. However, the development from these policies and voluntary approaches has been relatively small and, in many cases, difficult to attribute to specific policies. For example, a recent National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study found that voluntary programs may add only enough renewable generation to equal 0.1 percent of US electricity sales by 2010, while we project that existing state standards and funds will add 11.6 times as much by that date. National Policy Significant renewable energy commitments by a handful of states are a laudable start, but it is not nearly enough to ensure a national shift toward a cleaner, more sustainable energy system. Poor performances and the lack of commitment by most states to date speak to the need for a comprehensive national renewable energy policy. While important to the renewable energy industry, national tax incentives alone are not a comprehensive enough policy. The federal PTC helps level the playing field for new renewable energy facilities that otherwise would have to pay higher taxes than competing fossil fuel and nuclear plants. It does not, however, create new long-term market demand, which is critical for an industry with high up-front capital costs. The PTC has contributed to significant wind power development in the past few years. But this growth has mostly occurred in states with standards and/or funds, effectively demonstrating how well these policies can work together. A national standard would address the fact that the majority of states have yet to make any specific commitments to renewable energy either through funds or standards. It would also provide an opportunity to create a more level playing field among states that have already enacted standards, by enforcing a minimum standard that states could still choose to exceed. In the past two years, the Senate has twice passed a comprehensive energy bill that included a national renewable electricity standard. This standard would require major electric companies to increase sales of renewable electricity by an average of 0.6 percent a year starting in 2005, reaching 10 percent by 2019. A recent study by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) found that by adopting the Senate standard – along with extending the PTC through 2006 – the US can meet a significant portion of its electricity needs with renewable energy while generating substantial economic and environmental benefits. 2 Under a 10 percent standard, the US would increase its total homegrown renewable power to nearly 80,000 MW by 2020 – which would provide enough generation to meet the needs of 57 million typical homes. While wind power would provide most of the new development, bio-energy and geothermal would also make important contributions. The new power generated by this development would be 3.4 times as much as the new generation supported by state standards and funds (see Figure 2). A national RES of 10 percent would stimulate significant economic benefits through 2020, including: $18 billion in new capital investment;3 $1.2 billion in new property tax revenues for local communities; and $430 million in wind-power-related lease payments to farmers and rural landowners. UCS also found that the Senate RES and tax credits would reduce long-run energy costs to consumers. Increased competition from renewable energy would reduce natural gas use for generating electricity, which in turn would lead to slightly lower natural gas and electricity prices. As a result, total annual consumer energy bills would be $8.3 billion or 1.5 percent lower in 2020. The present value of total consumer savings would be $17.6 billion between 2002 and 2020. In addition, increasing renewable energy use in the United States would help reduce air pollution. Power plant carbon emissions would be reduced by approximately 38 MMT nationwide by 2020 with a national RES of 10 percent. Other pollutants that harm human health would also be reduced, as would the damage to water and land resulting from extraction, transport, and use of fossil fuels. Congress has also introduced several bills over the past few years proposing a national renewable electricity standard of 20 percent by 2020 or 2025. While neither the Senate nor the House has yet supported a 20 percent RES, a UCS study found that doubling the RES requirement is achievable and affordable, and would substantially increase economic and environmental benefits. For example, under a 20 percent standard, total renewable capacity would increase to more than 170,000 MW by 2020. The new renewable generation supported by this standard would be 3.3 times as much as the Senate-passed 10 percent RES and tax credits, and 11.3 times as much as existing state standards and funds. Between 2002 and 2020, a 20 percent national renewable standard would produce: $80 billion in new capital investment;4 $5 billion in new property tax revenues for local communities; $1.2 million in wind-power-related lease payments to farmers and rural landowners; $4.5 billion in consumer energy bill savings; and 150 MMT of annual carbon emission reductions by 2020. Recent RES analyses by EIA have reached similar results, despite using pessimistic renewable energy assumptions and low natural gas prices. A 2002 EIA study showed that an RES of 10 percent by 2020 would result in slightly lower electricity and natural gas prices, generating savings for energy consumers of $13.2 billion through 2020.5 EIA also found that increasing the standard to 20 percent by 2020 would reduce natural gas prices enough to offset nearly all of a modest 4 percent increase in electricity prices, resulting in virtually no net cost increase to consumers.6 A robust commitment to renewable energy in the US can provide many economic, environmental, health, and security benefits. A few states recognize this and have become clean energy leaders. But the bigger picture is one of inaction and wasted opportunities. A strong national policy with specific targets for making renewable energy a key element of the US electricity system is needed. Endnotes 1 Deyette, J., S. Clemmer, and D. Donovan. 2003. “Plugging In Renewable Energy: Grading the States.” Cambridge, Mass: Union of Concerned Scientists. May. Online at renewable_energy/page.cfm?pageID=1180. 2 Union of Concerned Scientists. 2002. “Renewing Where We Live: A National Renewable Energy Standard Will Benefit America’s Economy.” Cambridge, Mass: Union of Concerned Scientists. September. Online at September_Update.pdf. 3 Results presented are in 2000 dollars. Cumulative results are in net present value using an 8 percent real discount rate. 4 Results presented are in 1999 dollars. Cumulative results are in net present value using a 5 percent real discount rate. 5 Energy Information Administration. 2002. “Impacts of a 10 Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard.” SR/OIAF/2002-03. February. Online at 6 Energy Information Administration. 2001. “Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Dioxide, and Mercury and a Renewable Portfolio Standard.” SR/OIAF/2001-03. June. Online at oiaf/servicerpt/epp/pdf/sroiaf(2001)03.pdf. Filed under: White Papers Tagged under: Utilities About the Author Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book Chris Trayhorn is the Chairman of the Performance Marketing Industry Blue Ribbon Panel and the CEO of, a leading online and content marketing agency. He has founded four successful marketing companies in London and San Francisco in the last 15 years, and is currently the founder and publisher of Revenue+Performance magazine, the magazine of the performance marketing industry since 2002.