• White Papers

    The Third Wave of Convergence in Energy Markets

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    Wave One: The Traditional Regulatory Framework The traditional regulatory framework created a convergence of energy prices with the costs of constructing, maintaining, and operating energy assets and networks. … Read Article

    Advantages of the RHPH Model for Internet-Based Electronic Procurement

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    The L-Hub model is positioned favorably in the e-procurement market space, in large part because of the sheer size of regional economies and the compelling nature of doing … Read Article

    Report from New England: Lessons Learned on the Road to Competition

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    This white paper reviews the restructuring experiences in three New England states – Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine – and their trials and successes. Additionally, the paper considers … Read Article

    Why Do Energy Companies Trade?

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    Companies that trade – and trade well – have an advantage over companies that don’t, but typically that advantage is more subtle – and perhaps less fleeting – … Read Article

    E-Markets: Creating the Future of Business-to-Business Online

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    A Foundation for the Future Now consider the Internet, which creates unprecedented opportunities for companies to readily participate in, and even create, powerful online trading communities. In so … Read Article

    The Global Power Company of the Future

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    The initial stages of the liberalization process currently underway across parts of the globe see individual countries separating out the traditional monopoly areas of generation, transmission, distribution, and … Read Article

    Nuclear Power Poised To Assume Larger Role In Energy Production

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    The nuclear industry has proven that it can be an efficient producer of electric power while operating in a manner that is more environmentally friendly than virtually any … Read Article

    How Standards Enhance Energy Competition

    by Chris Trayhorn, Publisher of mThink Blue Book on November 15, 2000

    Birth of the GISB The creation of this new, cooperative organization not only made good business sense, but it also addressed concerns raised by the Federal Energy Regulatory … Read Article
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