responsive-designGoogle has seamlessly migrated its domination of desktop search onto mobile platforms. In 2014, if you have a mobile website, you need to think about Google’s search algorithm, especially following the recent Hummingbird update.
Google’s mobile focus is shifting from keywords to search intent. In other words, mobile searchers are typically seeking to solve a problem and take immediate action, so Google gives juice to elements that facilitate that.
Jar Creative has a great six step guide to improving your mobile SEO:
1. Determine popular use cases for your desktop visitors.
Be sure not to overlook events such as contact information inquiries.
List the use cases in order of both importance to both the business (e.g. registrations, newsletter, etc.) and to the visitor (e.g. blog posts readability, searching, etc.).
2. Think content-first.
Determine the most important content blocks, and prioritize the placement for each page layout.

More here.